Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bringing News Masts Home

Brought 3 masts home. The first was my old mizzen mast, just a short trip to make sure the trailer would do it. 2nd was the new mizzen mast, about 40' long. Then the big guy, the main mast at 50' about taking the corners wide!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Bowsprit Restoration

Bigining of the bowsprit restoration. This is actually the bowsprit from a sister ship, as mine was rotted beyond repair

Monday, July 25, 2016

Recore Galore!

Almost finished with the recore job. Maybe 2 square feet at the very peek of the bow, and a bit more in the cockpit, and I get to check that off the lest. I rolled the tarp back for the first time in a long time. It was nice to see my progress in the daylight! We had to quit and go play at the river for a while as it got to hot to do epoxy. We returned after the sun went down for a bit to epoxy on the fiberglass on the bow.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Deck re-core continues...

    Work progresses on the re-core project at a snails pace. It's been a busy month, with Kyle's graduation, family in from out of town, scouts...etc, What has gotten done is looking pretty darn good though. On Father's Day we worked on the boat for a while, but it was almost 100 degrees on the boat and foolishly decided to epoxy anyway. It all worked out but it was starting to set so quickly that we had to rush rush rush! After one piece epoxied on I decided no more could be done that day and worked on some clean-up instead. A couple days later we had some cooler weather, Kyle and I were able to finish epoxying the side decks at a much more leisurely pace.  

Next up: The foredeck will be epoxied back together and then cutting open the deck in the cockpit area. I have some figurin' to do in the cockpit reguarding the fridge/freezer, and the beam under the bowsprite. The freezer access is through a deck hatch just outside the companionway. Iv'e been working on what to do with the freezer since I started this project. no hard solution yet...which is why I've put off the re-core of the cockpit until now. As for the beam under the bowsprite. I think I've nailed down how to tackle it and have the materials to do so. I just need to get enough motivation to spend a day, myself crammed into the anchor locker, and get it done. Have I mentioned I'm a bit claustrophobic???

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Every once in a while, I need to remind myself of why I am torturing myself. THIS is what I'm shooting for.