Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Main Hatch Progress

Main hatch slider, almost ready for caulking and varnish. I needed more clamps, but putting a bunch of heavy stuff on it seemed to work just fine. I still need to make a new handle before the varnishing can start.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Boat Cover and Propane Locker

  I got the frame built for the tarp. It's tall enough that I no longer have to pull the tarp off to work. I have standing headroom everywhere on deck. Of coarse, I completed this task just as the rainy season is over, and now even on an overcast day it is an oven under the tarp. Oh well. I can open up the ends and get a pretty good breeze through there, and be in the shade. 

The pile of finished parts grows, however I am still at the stage of pulling things off of the boat. I have started the rebuilding of the cockpit seating/lazerett. This entailed rebuilding the propane locker, although figuring the engineering of the framing had been the major factor for the procrastination of this project. This is where I step on and off the boat from the ladder, one little trip and almost plummeting to my death made me decide it was time to get on it.